News & Announcements
MABWA Slate of Nominees for 2022 - 2024
March 26, 2022
Pursuant to the MABWA Bylaws, the MABWA Board of Directors is pleased to place in nomination the following slate of nominees to fill expiring 2022-2024 term positions. The Officers & Directors slate shall be presented to and elected by the members during the 2022 MABWA Annual Membership Meeting, which will take place on Thursday, April 28, 2022
Additional nominees will be entertained from the floor during the election process.
Respectfully submitted,
The MABWA Board of Directors
MABWA Welcomes Homer Zapata to the Board of Directors
March 4, 2020

We are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Homer Zapata, Culligan of San Antonio to the MABWA Board of Directors. Homer has been appointed by MABWA President Rudy Ramon. Ramon said: “We are very pleased to bring Homer on board and look forward to working with him as we continually work to make our association better for the members.”
Homer Zapata has been with Culligan of San Antonio since October of 1997. He was promoted to Point of Use-Route Manager in 2011. He is responsible for implementing an efficient route schedule, increasing brand awareness, generating leads, acquiring new customers and assuring customer satisfaction by all route delivery personnel. He is also a class 2 water treatment specialist. When he isn’t working, you’ll find Homer spending time with his wife and daughter. He is also an avid runner, and loves to workout.
2020 Joint MABWA – SEBWA – SABWA Convention & Trade Show in New Orleans!
March 4, 2020
If you registered for the 2020 Joint Convention in New Orleans…lucky you! If you haven’t yet, it is not too late. This will be a truly educational and memorable event hosted by three bottled water trade associations under one roof. Read all the details by clicking on the banner below and if you are convinced you should be there – register before March 5 and we’ll waive the late fee! We have a large group signed up and WE WANT YOU THERE TOO! Register here if you find you need assistance with registration or hotel accommodations, give us a call at 512.406.1167.
Getting HR Right: Independent Contractor? Or Employee?
by Patricia Pannell, J.D., Co-Founder Gotcha Covered HR, LLC
It’s an issue that continues to confound and perplex small business owners – am I okay hiring an independent contractor to perform work for my company? The short answer is, probably not.
The misclassification of workers can be the death of a small business, financially speaking that is. In the U.S., the U.S. Department of Labor has a broad and expansive definition of “employee” under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and imposes harsh monetary penalties for getting it wrong. Likewise, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service doesn’t take lightly an employer’s failure to pay appropriate payroll taxes.
As non-exempt (hourly) employees, workers are guaranteed minimum wage, overtime compensation, and a host of “insurance” withholdings (for example, Louisiana employers are required to provide worker’s compensation and unemployment insurance withholdings), including Federal withholding for Social Security. Independent contractors do not enjoy such perks, and generally earn only straight pay for hours worked, with no “safety net” that these government-mandated benefits provide.
As businesses in the U.S. increasingly look to the use of independent contractors in a tight labor market, the Department of Labor is more carefully scrutinizing the labor pool, and actively cautioning (or warning) employers that “most workers are employees”.
To assist employers in determining whether their workers are employees or truly independent contractors, the Department of Labor has provided an “economic realities test” consisting of six simple questions:
- Is the work performed an integral part of the employer’s business?
- Does the worker have an opportunity to impact profit or loss?
- Does the worker have an investment in the business relationship?
- Does the worker utilize special skills or take independent initiative?
- Is the relationship between the worker and the employer permanent or indefinite?
- Does the business exercise significant control over the worker?
The answers to these questions will help clarify the economic independence of the worker. Workers who spend a great deal of their time working for a single employer are likely to be classified as employees. Moreover, if the worker in question is performing work that mirrors that performed by your employees, then it is also likely that the worker is an employee.
The analysis can get a bit complicated, so I like to break it down like this: If you hire a contractor to do a kitchen remodel at your home, he or she provides the labor, the tools, the schedule for beginning and completing the job, all with little oversight by you. He or she also works for other people and does not rely exclusively upon your project for his/her livelihood. He or she controls the way the job is done. Your only interest is that the job is done to your satisfaction, based upon your written agreement with the contractor, then this is likely an independent contractor.
The bottom line is this: Don’t risk getting this wrong. If an audit by either the IRS or the Department of Labor results in a finding of misclassification, you are faced with up to three years of back pay, interest, penalties, attorney fees, and costs of litigation. The total monetary liability can be astronomical, and the overall fallout (including bad publicity and loss of goodwill) can be devastating to your business.
www.gotchacoveredhr.comMABWA Slate of Nominees for 2020-2022
February 10, 2020
Pursuant to the MABWA Bylaws the MABWA Board of Directors is pleased to place in nomination the following slate of nominees to fill expiring 2020-2022 term positions. The Officers & Directors slate shall be presented to and elected by the members during the 2020 MABWA Annual Membership Meeting, which will take place on Monday, March 10, 2020.
Additional nominees will be entertained from the floor during the election process.
Respectfully submitted,
The MABWA Board of Directors
November 21, 2019
Anaheim, CA – The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) today announced its 2019-2020 officers and board of directors. IBWA members elected the association’s leadership during the 2019 Annual Business Conference, held in Anaheim, California, from November 18-21.
Robert Smith, of Grand Springs Distribution, was elected to serve as chairman of the IBWA Board of Directors for 2019-2020. He is a member of IBWA’s executive committee and board of directors. He previously served as vice chairman.
The IBWA members approved the following slate of officers for 2019-2020:
- Robert Smith – Chairman
- Tara Carraro (Nestlé Waters North America) – Vice Chairwoman
- Brian Hess (Niagara Bottling) – Treasurer
- Lynn Wachtmann (Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc.) – Immediate Past Chairman
The following IBWA members were elected or re-elected to the Board of Directors for a three-year term, expiring in 2022:
- Shayron Barnes-Selby (DS Services of America, Inc.)
- Philippe Caradec (Danone Waters of America)
- Tara Carraro (Nestlé Waters North America)
- Brian Hess (Niagara Bottling)
- Doug Hidding (Blackhawk Molding)
- Scott Hoover (Roaring Spring Water)
- Robert Smith (Grand Springs Distribution)
- Lynn Wachtmann (Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc.)
Other IBWA members who currently serve on the Board of Directors:
- Joe Bell (Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc.)
- Andrew Eaton (Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC)
- Dan Kelly (Polymer Solutions International, Inc.)
- Kari Mondt (Allied Purchasing Company)
- Greg Nemec (Premium Waters, Inc.)
- Dennis Rivard (Crystal Mountain Products, Inc.)
- Lou Vittorio (EarthRes Group, Inc.)
- Bill Young (Absopure Water Company, Inc.)
International Bottled Water Association
November 14, 2019
Alexandria, VA – The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) is proud to be a sponsor once again for America Recycles Day, in which this year’s themes are recycling innovation and partnership.
America Recycles Day, held annually on November 15, is an initiative of IBWA-partner Keep America Beautiful.
“Educating Americans about the importance of recycling—whether at home, at work, or on-the-go, is more important than ever,” says Jill Culora, IBWA’s vice president of communications. “And we’re encouraging consumers to not only up their recycling game but also to tell friends and relatives that they should recycle too if they aren’t already. One-by-one, if the recycling message and action spreads – it benefits us all.”
Keep America Beautiful is one of many organizations IBWA has partnered with to help improve recycling rates across the United States and internationally.
In addition, IBWA’s #PutItInTheBin partner initiative produced two social media campaigns in 2019; one that addressed recycling contamination issues and another that promoted the value of recovering recyclable plastics.
The contamination campaign used pro-recycling images and messages to inform consumers about common items mistakenly recycled that are not actually recyclable. Some of those nonrecyclable items included greasy pizza boxes, plastic bags, plastic straws and silverware, and food-soiled cardboard take-out boxes and drink cups.
“As single-stream recycling has become more common, more items that don’t belong in the bin have made their way in because people have started ‘wish-cycling,’” says Culora. “It’s important that consumers become more aware of what can actually be recycled, what can’t, and how to properly recycle some items, such as a pizza box. If it’s greasy, it’s not recyclable – but if the top half doesn’t have grease on it– you can tear it off and place it in the recycling bin.”
Another important recycling tip: “If in doubt, throw it out,” says Culora.
IBWA supports strong community recycling initiatives and recognizes that a continued focus on increased recycling is important for all. Bottled water containers make up approximately 55 percent of the PET plastic collected in curbside systems throughout the United States. The industry is always looking for ways to strengthen existing recycling programs and help to expand recycling efforts further. However, even in instances when PET bottled water containers are not properly recycled, they make up only 3.3 percent of all drink packaging in U.S. landfills, whereas plastic soda containers make up 13.3 percent.
In its efforts to increase recycling rates, IBWA is active in helping improve access to curbside recycling bins through its involvement with Keep America Beautiful and The Recycling Partnership – a national recycling nonprofit organization comprised of industries and municipalities – with a goal of making a measurable impact on recycling in the United States. IBWA is also a member of three regional recycling groups: the Florida Recycling Partnership, the Michigan Recycling Partnership, and the Northeast Recycling Council.
Continual light-weighting of PET bottled water plastic packaging has resulted in the average weight drop to 9.25 grams per 16.9 ounce single-serve container. That is almost one-third less PET than the amount it takes to make soda and other drink containers, which need to be thicker due to carbonation and manufacturing processes and weigh, on average, 23.9 grams.
Between 2000 and 2014, the average weight of a 16.9 ounce single-serve PET bottled water container reduced by 51 percent, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation. This saved 6.2 billion pounds of PET resin during that time period.
For more information about bottled water, visit
Water Quality Association offers PFAS resources
Certified in-home filtration shown to remove or reduce PFAS levels
Lisle, IL (Nov. 22, 2019) — The Water Quality Association (WQA) provides resources to help consumers understand the impact of PFAS in drinking water and how to successfully treat for these contaminants at the home or in a building.
Among the resources is a document within WQA’s “Water Q&A” which offers an easy-to-understand overview of PFAS, how one might be exposed to these chemicals and how PFAS can be removed from drinking water.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known collectively as PFAS, are man-made chemicals found in such things as firefighting foams and stain-resistant, waterproof and nonstick coatings. Because they break down slowly, if at all, they have turned up in drinking water systems across the nation in varying levels. Some individual states have begun regulating the chemicals.
In-home technologies such as reverse osmosis, carbon filtration and anion exchange have been independently tested and proven to be a successful final barrier to treat drinking water for PFAS. WQA’s website provides additional information on PFAS chemicals and product certification.
Resources include a PFAS Fact Sheet, a chart on State PFAS regulations, and a map of states with PFAS level regulations (WQA members only). PFAS is also listed among the common contaminants on WQA’s certified productlistings.
WQA is a not-for-profit trade association representing the residential, commercial, and industrial water treatment industry. WQA’s education and professional certification programs have been providing industry-standardized training and credentialing since 1977. The WQA Gold Seal certification program has been certifying products that contribute to the safe consumption of water since 1959. The WQA Gold Seal program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).
Water Quality Association readies for 2020 Convention
Registration, hotel reservations are open now through the event website
LISLE, Ill. (Nov. 6, 2019) – The Water Quality Association has opened registration for the 2020 WQA Convention & Exposition, to be held April 1-3 in Orlando, Fla. The convention website,, offers easy-to-use access to registration, housing and event information for the annual industry gathering and for the March 31 WQA Business Boot Camp, both set for the Orange County Convention Center.
“We couldn’t resist using ‘Vision 20/20’ for our theme in the year 2020,” said WQA President Steve Ver Strat. “What better way to highlight our industry’s focus on meeting new challenges, growing our industry, and improving water quality for everyone?”
The WQA Convention & Exposition, expected to attract more than 3,000 dealers, manufacturers and consultants, has been the premier water quality industry event for more than 40 years. Expanded hours for this year’s trade show, open April 2 and 3, offer greater opportunities to see the latest products and services in drinking water treatment.
Education sessions are scheduled for all three days of the event, with many offering Continuing Professional Development credit toward certification. Two technical workshops – one on Commercial/Industrial RO Sizing and one an introduction to water contaminants and drinking water regulations – are offered on April 3 for additional fees. Professional certification exams are offered during the convention at a discounted price.
The third annual WQA Business Boot Camp will be held March 31, the day before the Convention. The intensive one-day workshop focuses on leadership, hiring, retention and onboarding employees.
The Convention’s Opening General Session will feature industry awards, the election of WQA officers and an Industry update from WQA Leadership. A New Attendee Breakfast, poolside Opening Reception, 5K Run for Research (benefitting the Water Quality Research Foundation), and committee and section meetings provide opportunities to get to know others in the industry or get involved in WQA.
Advance pricing is offered for those who register by Feb. 5, 2020, through the website, WQA members receive a discount on registration and sponsorship opportunities, and new WQA members are eligible for free convention registration their first year of membership. Membership information is at
WQA is a not-for-profit trade association representing the residential, commercial, and industrial water treatment industry. WQA’s education and professional certification programs have been providing industry-standardized training and credentialing since 1977. The WQA Gold Seal certification program has been certifying products that contribute to the safe consumption of water since 1959. The WQA Gold Seal program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).
International Bottled Water Association
August 13, 2019
Alexandria, VA – Currently, there is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Standard of Quality for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in bottled water. However, although not mandated by law, as of January 1, 2019, IBWA requires its members to test for PFAS in all the products they sell. This action underscores the commitment of IBWA members to always provide consumers with the safest and highest quality bottled water products.
Testing for PFAS provides consumers, local and state governments, and disaster and emergency relief personnel further assurance that bottled water is a safe and convenient product for everyday use and in times of need when tap water is compromised.
IBWA continually monitors emerging contaminants as they apply to both FDA regulations for bottled water and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for tap water. As such, IBWA has been following the PFAS issue very closely.
For more information on FDA’s research and investigation of PFAS in foods and beverages, see: “Statement on FDA’s scientific work to understand per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food, and findings from recent FDA surveys.”
IBWA Actions on PFAS
In addition to requiring product testing, IBWA has also established the following operational control limits (OCL) for PFAS in member company bottled water products:
- 5 ppt for one PFAS
- 10 ppt for more than one PFAS
IBWA’s OCLs for PFAS are substantially below the EPA’s health advisory level of 70 parts per trillion (ppt).
Processes and practices used in producing bottled water, such as source protection, reverse osmosis, and carbon filtration greatly reduce the likelihood that PFAS would be found in bottled water. If it is, IBWA members have access to association-supplied guidance materials for monitoring and controlling PFAS levels in bottled water.
First Data Review Under New IBWA PFAS Monitoring Program
IBWA is currently conducting its first data review under the association’s new PFAS Monitoring Program, which requires testing of IBWA member bottled water for 14 PFAS compounds using EPA Method 537.
The first summary results are as follows:
- 100% of samples were below the EPA 70 ppt health advisory level
- 3% of samples were below the detection limit of 2 ppt (non-detect)
EPA and State Action on PFAS
The EPA has established a “Drinking Water Health Advisory Level” for PFOA and PFOS of 70 ppt in public drinking water (i.e., tap water). Public water systems that are contaminated with more than 70 ppt must notify their customers and provide an alternate source of drinking water.
To date, bottled water has been a primary alternative source for safe drinking water when tap water has been contaminated with PFAS. EPA will eventually establish a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for PFAS in tap water, but several states are now regulating, or are planning to regulate soon, these substances in public drinking water.
Those states include the following:
- New Jersey has finalized new standards and monitoring requirements for perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) or public water systems in the state. Additional new standards for PFOA and PFOS will be effective in 2020. The new standards also require bottle water companies to monitor for these substances.
- California, New York, and Massachusetts are looking at regulating PFAS at very low levels (<20 ppt).
- Other states are regulating various PFAS contaminants or have established PFAS data reporting programs, and that data may be posted online.
PFAS Background
PFAS are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many other chemicals. PFAS have been manufactured and used in a variety of industries around the globe, including in the United States, since the 1940s (not bottled water companies). PFOA and PFOS have been the most extensively produced and studied of these chemicals.
Both chemicals are very persistent in the environment and in the human body—meaning they don’t break down and can accumulate over time. There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects.
PFAS can sometimes be found in the following:
- Food packaged in PFAS-containing materials, processed with equipment that used PFAS, or grown in PFAS-contaminated soil or water.
- Commercial household products, including stain- and water-repellent fabrics, nonstick products (e.g., Teflon), polishes, waxes, paints, cleaning products, and fire-fighting foams (a major source of groundwater contamination at airports and military bases where firefighting training occurs).
- Workplaces that use PFAS, including production facilities or industries (e.g., chrome plating, electronics manufacturing, or oil recovery).
- Tap water, typically localized and associated with a specific facility (e.g., manufacturer, landfill, wastewater treatment plant, firefighter training facility).
- Living organisms, including fish, animals, and humans, where PFAS can build up and persist over time.
For more information about bottled water, visit IBWA’s website:
International Bottled Water Association
June 25, 2019
Alexandria, VA – There have been several recent news articles about arsenic levels found in two bottled water brands that were higher than permitted by law. Any bottled water product that exceeds state or federal regulations for any substance, including arsenic, should not be sold, the International Bottled Water Association said.
“The vast majority–many hundreds–of bottled water products sold in the United States are well below the levels established by state or federal regulations for arsenic,” said Jill Culora, IBWA’s vice president of communications. “Consumers can remain confident that bottled water products, like all food and beverages, are strictly and comprehensively regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and, thus, are safe for consumption,” said Culora. “News reports that mis-represent this issue as being widespread throughout the industry are unnecessarily scaring consumers about the safety of bottled water.”
As with other food products, bottled water that does not meet all applicable laws and regulations is subject to FDA enforcement actions, including recalls, warning letters, and product seizures. This helps ensure that adulterated or mislabeled products do not reach consumers. Any bottled water product that does not meet arsenic regulations (whether state or federal) should not be sold.
Members of IBWA are committed to providing consumers with the safest and highest quality products. Consumers many benefit from knowing the following:
- Arsenic is a naturally occurring substance that is widely found in soil, water, and almost all plant and animal life, including the human body. Arsenic can be present at varying levels in many foods and beverages, and these products, like bottled water, are safe to consume and enjoy if they meet all FDA regulations.
- By federal law, FDA regulations governing the safety and quality of bottled water must be as stringent as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) standards for tap water. The FDA standard of quality for arsenic in bottled water is 10 parts per billion (ppb), which means FDA concluded that—based on the best available science—the current limit protects the public health. And FDA sets limits that are lower than the level at which harm would likely occur, which the bottled water industry fully supports.
- EPA has also established a 10-ppb standard for arsenic in tap water. And both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union (EU) have the same 10 ppb standard for arsenic in drinking water.
- Bottled water products that come from groundwater sources (e.g., spring water) may contain naturally occurring arsenic. Purified bottled waters often have lower arsenic levels due to the treatment processes used to make this type of product. However, regardless of the type, bottled water that meets the 10 ppb FDA arsenic standard is safe.
- A recent survey of 130 bottled water brands by Consumer Reports found that only two exceeded the FDA standard for arsenic. While even one bottled water product exceeding the FDA standard is too many, it is important to note that the vast majority of bottled water products sold in the U.S. are below the 10-ppb limit.
- IBWA supports a consumer’s right to clear, accurate, and comprehensive information about the bottled water products they purchase. Consumers who want to know more about what is in their bottled water product, such as arsenic, should contact the manufacturer and request a water quality report. Many bottlers publish their water quality reports on their websites and/or provide a contact number on their product labels. If a bottled water company does not satisfy a consumer’s request for more information, that consumer can and should choose another brand.
- In addition to complying with all FDA regulations, IBWA member bottlers must adhere to the IBWA Bottled Water Code of Practice, which mandates additional standards and practices that in some cases are more stringent than federal and state regulations. A key feature of the IBWA Bottled Water Code of Practice is a requirement that all IBWA bottlers must undergo a mandatory annual plant inspection conducted by an independent, third-party organization.
Bottled water is the No. 1 packaged drink in the U.S. (by volume) for many reasons, including its great taste, convenience, safety record, and recyclability. But the most prevalent reason why consumers are choosing bottled water is because they are seeking a more health-conscious lifestyle. Bottled water has no sugar, caffeine, or other additives that consumers may want to eliminate or reduce from their diets. Data from the Beverage Marketing Corporation shows that for the past two decades 85 percent of the sales growth for bottled water is the result of a “consumer shift,” mostly from sugar-sweetened beverages and juice to bottled water.
The bottled water industry is committed to providing consumers with the safest and highest quality products. Consumers can continue to be confident that there are no health risks associated with drinking bottled water that meets current FDA standards. Bottled water, like all food and beverages, is strictly regulated by FDA, and experts who work for FDA have concluded that—based on the best available science—the current 10 ppb standard for arsenic in bottled water protects the public health. In fact, FDA sets limits that are lower than the level at which harm would likely occur, which the bottled water industry fully supports. The EPA, which regulates tap water, has also established a 10-ppb standard for arsenic.
For more information about bottled water, visit IBWA’s website:
International Bottled Water Association
May 21, 2019
Alexandria, VA – Americans are increasingly choosing healthy bottled water instead of packaged sugary drinks, saving approximately 470 billion calories and 73 million pounds of recyclable PET plastic last year, said the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA).
Bottled water is America’s favorite packaged drink for the third year in a row (by volume), and new figures from the Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC) show 69 percent of the growth in bottled water consumption has come from people shifting away from carbonated soft drinks and fruit drinks.
BMC data shows Americans consumed 13.8 billion gallons of bottled water in 2018, up 4.9 percent from 2017. Bottled water’s wholesale dollar sales also grew in 2018, up 7.3 percent reaching $18.4 billion. And per capita consumption rose 4.3 percent to 42.3 gallons. Soda and fruit drink consumption both declined in 2018 from 2017.
“People are choosing to drink fewer calories and making that healthy choice has the added benefit of helping the environment because not only are bottled water containers 100 percent recyclable (including the cap) but they also contain much less plastic than soda and other packaged beverages,” said Jill Culora, IBWA’s vice president of communications.
Bottled water containers, on average, use 59 percent less PET plastic than other beverages (9.89 grams vs. 23.9 grams for 16.9-ounce containers). Soft drinks and other sugary beverages need thicker plastic containers due to their carbonation and/or bottling processes.
“We are hearing from PET plastic recyclers that because of the consumption shift from soda to bottled water, their facilities need to recycle twice as many water bottles to get the same amount of resin they would have from soda bottles,” said Culora.
Bottled water containers are 100 percent recyclable – even the caps. And bottled water is the most recycled product in curbside recycling systems; in fact, bottled water containers make up 54.6 percent of the PET plastic collected in curbside systems throughout the United States. Soda bottles make up only 14.7 percent of the PET plastic collected in curbside programs, according to the National Association for PET Container Resources’ (NAPCOR) 2018 Postconsumer PET Bottle Bale Composition Analysis.
Calorie savings are enormous for people making the switch to water.
“Given . . . the fact that roughly 30% of US adults drink one or more servings of SSB [sugar-sweetened beverages]/day, swapping water for SSB could reduce an estimated 3.9 billion calories from U.S. adult diets daily,” Kiyah J. Duffey, PhD, reports in the journal Nutrients.
“It’s incorrect to think that most people drink bottled water instead of tap water. In reality, most bottled water drinkers (76 percent) drink both tap water and bottled water,” said Culora, citing a Harris Poll on bottled water consumption conducted for IBWA in November 2018.
Those results demonstrate that bottled water isn’t in competition with tap water; instead, it competes with other less-healthy packaged drinks, such as soft drinks, juices, and teas.
Nearly all Americans (93 percent) say bottled water should be available wherever other drinks are sold, with 89 percent saying they drink bottled water while they travel, 82 percent of employed Americans drink it at work, and 75 percent of all people drink it at home. Just 16 percent of those surveyed said they drink only bottled water.
“We’re seeing a significant shift to healthy hydration, which is really good news for public health,” said Culora. This is particularly important as the nation continues to experience high rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. “And the bottled water industry is using much less plastic resin in its packaging, which is good for the environment. But taking it a step further by recapturing this plastic for use in new bottles requires improving recycling rates.”
PET plastic bottles are 100 percent recyclable and can be easily recycled over and over again. For many years, bottled water companies have been increasing recycled PET (rPET) in their containers. Many bottled water companies have embraced using rPET packaging, offering their products in containers that are made of 50, 75, or even 100 percent rPET. BMC reports that, for those bottled water companies that use rPET, the average rPET content went from 3.3 to 18.2 percent between 2008 and 2017–a 452 percent increase.
But a sufficient amount of rPET needs to be available for bottled water companies to use it. Consumer access to—and participation in—convenient recycling programs help determine the supply of rPET. If more people recycle, then the availability of rPET will increase as well.
The bottled water industry is continuously working to reduce its impact on the environment. The industry has a strong record of conservation and environmental stewardship, including smart management of water sources, using less plastic in packaging, encouraging recycling, and reducing water use in production.
Bottled water is an ideal healthy hydration option, and it is stringently regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food product. By law, FDA regulations governing the safety and quality of bottled water must be as protective of the public health as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) standards for tap water. In some cases, such as lead, bottled water regulations are more stringent.
The bottled water industry supports a strong public water system, which is responsible for providing citizens with clean and safe drinking water. However, in some instances, tap water can become compromised during boil alerts or natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. If tap water is unavailable, bottled water plays a vital role by providing the clean drinking water that people need.
“The bottled water industry is committed to helping people make healthier choices,” said Culora. “The demand for water is evident, as bottled water continues to be America’s most popular packaged beverage, by volume.”
Whether it’s at home, in the office, or on-the-go, IBWA encourages all consumers to make healthy hydration a part of their lifestyle and select bottled water as their beverage of choice and always recycle empty containers—with caps on.
For more information about bottled water, visit IBWA’s website:
For information on any of MABWA scheduled events, contact:

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